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Le Ricette


INGREDIENTI in proporzione variabile: zucchine, porro, cipolla.

PREPARAZIONE PER 3 / 4 PERSONE: versare tutto il contenuto in una padella antiaderente con 1 litro di acqua fredda e abbondante olio di oliva, salare e cuocere mescolando per circa 30 / 40 minuti. A cottura ultimata sbattere 4 uova (salare a piacere) e versarle sul contenuto, cuocere ancora per 4 - 5 minuti. Servire caldo. Buon appetito!!!


“GREENGROCER’S OMELETTE”. - INGREDIENTS (in variable proportions): courgette, leek, onion. - PREPARATION FOR 3-4 PEOPLE: pour all the contents in a non-stick frying pan with 1 litre of cold water and plentiful Tuscan extra-virgin olive oil. Salt and cook, stiring, for about 30/40 minutes. When the cooking is completed, beat 4 eggs (salt as you like), pour them on the contents, going on with the cooking for 4-5 minutes more. Serve hot. Enjoy your meal!!!


GEMUESE OMELETTE. - ZUTATEN IM VERÄNDERLICHEN VERHÄLTNIS: Zucchini, Lauch, Zwiebeln. - ZUBEREITUNG FÜR 3-4 PERSONEN: Die Zubereitung mit 1 l kaltem Wasser und Olivenöl in eine Pfanne verschütten, Salz zugeben und für 30 - 40 Min. kochen. Danach 4 Eier schlagen, (nach belieben Salz zugeben) und dem Kompott eignen, nochmals für 4-5 Min. kochen. Warm bedienen. Guten Appetit!!!

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